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  • Dani Gallagher

Winter Travel Tips for Your Destination in Vero Beach

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Although you may be eagerly awaiting your Vero Beach vacation, winter travel can be stressful. Follow these winter travel tips for your destination in Vero Beach to minimize your anxiety and troubles.

1. Avoid Getting Sick

In the winter, germs are constantly attacking your immune system. Traveling in the winter is particularly dangerous, as airplane cabins tend to be breeding grounds for the cold and flu. If you want to avoid getting sick, boost your immune system. You can do this by heading to your local pharmacy and picking up an immune support supplement.

2. Book a Direct Flight

It’s impossible to completely avoid travel delays in the winter. If there’s bad weather, your flight could be delayed for hours or even days. To limit the amount of delays you will encounter, book a direct flight. While this might cost you a little more money, it’s worth knowing you won’t be faced with back-to-back delays.

3. Don’t Overdo It with Winter Clothes

Before you travel, check the weather for Vero Beach. It is true that the area could get a cold front, but the temperature is unlikely to remain cold for the duration of your trip. Avoid packing too many jackets and sweaters. Instead, be sure to pack warm weather clothing as well as some bathing suits. You can wear your jacket on the airplane to keep it from taking up too much space in your luggage.

If you’re interested in making Vero Beach your next destination, call us at the Vero Beach Inn and Suites. Reserve your room today.

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