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  • Dani Gallagher

Exploring Murals of Vero Beach

In a large city, you can find graffiti adorning the walls of many alleys and buildings. But in Vero Beach, there’s no graffiti. Instead, you can find murals on the walls of many iconic buildings. Learn about some of the murals of Vero Beach and find out where to go to see them.

What Makes the Murals So Special?

The murals throughout the city are created by talented artists. If you head downtown, you’re bound to come across a mural created by Derek Gores. An artists from the Space Coast, Gores has had his artwork featured with Prada, Playboy, and the Kentucky Derby. You can find his work near the Kilted Mermaid.

The Vero Beach Mural Project is what made all of the murals possible. The non-profit organization was created to make the downtown district more artsy. Certainly, that mission has been accomplished. If you look for social media posts about Vero Beach, you’re likely to see multiple posts featuring the murals.

Another artist, Nicole Salgar painted her artwork directly on the wall of the Kilted Mermaid. In her painting, she celebrated Irish mythology and a mermaid. But not all murals were painted by renowned artists. On another wall, you can see artwork created by students at the Indian River Charter High School.

Viewing the Murals

Your best way to view the murals is to take a trip to Downtown Vero Beach. While you’re there, be sure to check out some of the boutiques and restaurants. Call us today at the Vero Beach Inn and Suites to book your room.

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