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  • Danielle

Things to do in Vero Beach: Explore a Shipwreck

Things​ to do in Vero Beach: Explore a Shipwreck

Some people have adventure in their blood. If you’re one of those individuals, you’ll enjoy many of the things to do in Vero Beach. One activity you should consider is exploring a shipwreck.

How to Explore a Shipwreck

The concept of exploring a shipwreck might seem far-fetched. After all, how are you supposed to find one? What if you don’t have a diving certification? Fortunately, it’s easy to find a shipwreck in Vero Beach, and you don’t need to dive to find it.

Not far from Ocean Drive, you can head out to the water and find four reefs. You can also find a shipwreck that dates back to the 1800s.

Of course, finding the ship on your own isn’t easy. You can benefit from working with a local tour guide or dive shop. They can take you out on the water and show you where to find the sunken ship.

Once you get there, the adventure begins. You can gear up in your diving attire. However, you can also explore the ship with snorkeling gear. The water is only about 15 or 20 feet deep, which makes it possible for snorkelers to enjoy the sights. However, you should only attempt snorkeling the wreck in May, June, or July. That’s when the water is clearest and visibility is good.

While snorkeling, you can explore the old ship like an adventurer. You can also view some of the unique marine life of the area.

Enjoying Things to do in Vero Beach

There are many things to do in Vero Beach. If you’re ready to start exploring, contact us at the Vero Beach Inn and Suites.

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