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  • Danielle

Beat the Cold Winter at Vero Beach

Most of the US experiences harsh winters. However, the Southern states tend to get a break from the cold. This year, the Farmer’s Almanac is predicting an unusually harsh winter. Learn what to expect and how you can beat the cold winter at Vero Beach.

The Prediction

According to the Farmer’s Almanac, this winter will have colder temperatures than usual. People who live in the Northern and middle states of the US should expect some cold weather.

Additionally, the Almanac predicts more snow than usual. It’s likely that precipitation will be high, which makes for snowy and blizzard-like conditions. You should get your shovel and winter gear out of storage.

The Almanac predicts even more bad news. This year, the winter is likely to last longer than previous years. Instead of looking forward to an early spring, you need to cope with the cold.

Spending Your Winter at Vero Beach

Whether you spend a few days at Vero Beach or you spend a month, your time away from the cold could be enough to let you forget the harsh weather.

When you beat the cold winter at Vero Beach, you get sunny weather, warm temperatures, and pristine beaches. A few days could be all it takes for you to recharge your batteries. It might be enough to make the winter a little less unbearable.

Here at the Vero Beach Inn, we’re running a special winter promotion. When you book three nights at our hotel, you get the fourth night free. Contact us to learn more about staying at our Vero Beach hotel.

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